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ICT for Migrants Newsletter 2 of the project is out!


Two months ago, in March 2024 the first Newsletter of the ICT for Migrants project came out. If you haven’t read it yet, you can check it in the related article here. Since then, a lot has happened in the implementation of this project with the most important event being the learning teaching and training activity in Bursa, in Turkey. More details about it can find in the newly released Newsletter 2 which you can read by clicking here and of course, in the relevant article published the previous month on Eurospeak’s website here.  


At the moment, partners are getting ready to attend the second learning teaching and training activity of the project which will take place in Zaragoza, Spain from the 21st until the 23rd of May 2024. In total, sixteen participants are expected to attend it by all partner organisations. The host organisation will be Egestionpyme from Spain and the training will take place at their headquarters. Egestionpyme has already sent the agenda to participants to better prepare themselves for it. 

During the three days of this training the main topic will be teaching methods in the field of ICT, participants will actively participate in various workshops, such as the current challenges faced by young migrants in accessing digital technologies. 

The main objectives of this training are the ones listed below: 

  • Firstly, to exchange experiences and good practices related to the improvement of digital skills by young migrants.  
  • Secondly, to raise awareness among youth workers on initiatives related to the improvement of digital skills among young migrants. 
  • Third, to introduce social inclusion as a necessary aspect for the development of young migrants and to train youth workers to become effective leaders in their organisations in order to implement practices related to the use of ICTs.  
  • Finally, to provide participants with the necessary tools to disseminate the project concept at the local/regional level. 

It is worth mentioning that the main target group of the ICTM project is the group of young migrants from countries outside of Europe, who have difficulties in accessing training in ICT technologies to promote their social and labour inclusion. 

Last but not least, the expected results of this training are: 

  1. Knowledge of the working methods of other organisations and countries in order to apply them in their daily work with young migrants. 
  1. Improving the skills of the 16 participants in the use of digital technologies and how to improve the digital skills of young migrants through courses and workshops.  
  1. Use of the tools to disseminate the project among stakeholders.  
  1. Exchange of good practices.  
  1. Preparation in the use of methods to promote the use of ICT tools among young migrants.  
  1. Manual for youth workers on methods for teaching ICTs to young migrants. This manual will be in digital format so that it can be downloaded by youth workers in different countries. There will be an English version which will be given to course participants and other versions in French, Spanish and Turkish. 

For more news, stay tuned! 

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