Discovering the EU Play project, whose full title is Discovering the EU by PLAYing project (Project number: 2021-1-PL01-KA220-SCH-000034346) begun seven months ago in January 2022. It is expected to be completed by January 2024. 6 partners (Szkola Podstawowa nr 2 w Proszowicach, E-SCHOOL, Eurospeak Limited, STANDO, Formative Footprint, DAMASISTEM) from 6 different countries of Europe join forces for EU Play’s goal!
Its aim is concerned with developing novel digital tools by which educators can attract, reach out and assist students to raise awareness on and understand the European Union context, the EU values and also to foster their cultural identity and cultural awareness. Moreover, educators will enhance their understanding on the importance of preparing students for a world where digital systems are prevalent across all industries.
Project Results
4 project results will be produced by the EU Play partners:
- The Teachers’ Education 4.0 Guide
- The EUPlay digital interactive book
- The EUPlay Treasure Hunt Digital Game
- The EUPlay e-learning platform
Partners first met in Karditsa, Greece, end of April 2022 and will meet again end of this month (August 2022) in Proszowice, Poland. The main topic of discussion will be an overall feedback and review of the first project result (The Teachers’ Education 4.0 Guide) and next steps regarding the development of the second project result (The EUPlay digital interactive book). For more information visit EU Play’s website here.