Youth work should always follow the trends and get developed along with technology and society. New technologies and digitalization are emerging during the last decade, therefore it’s essential that youth work enters this new digital world. Although how could youth workers and youth organisations get digital?
Several methods could help youth work to get digitally transformed. To start with, youth organisations and youth workers should get educated on new digital technologies and tools that they can use. They have to be aware of the tools and technologies available and know how and when to use them. Once they are informed about these new technologies, funding will be necessary for their purchase. People active in the youth sector could join several initiatives such as European projects, informative campaigns, etc. which would attract funding opportunities that will help them to get digitally transformed. The final step, and once the necessary equipment is available, youth workers need to be trained on digital transformation. Seminars, training, and conferences are a very effective way to keep yourself up to date with all the emerging trends and of course to get upskilled.
Once youth organisations and youth workers are upskilled and entered the digital world, digital transformation can be easily promoted among youths. This can be achieved by organizing different types of training, games, and activities that youths will join and learn more about digitalization and new technologies. This way, youth workers will manage to train future, responsible digital citizens.
Besides the training, other initiatives such as European-funded projects can be used to promote digital transformation and digital citizenship among youths. Such initiative is the ACDC – Active Citizens Digital Citizens project. An Erasmus+ project that through diverse methods and tools will promote youth empowerment, digital transformation, and non-formal education among youths, youth workers, and youth organizations in Europe.