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The ACDC – Active Citizens, Digital Citizens project

We are happy to announce the start of our new Erasmus+ project, ACDC – Active Citizens, Digital Citizens. The project aims to promote the exchange of best practices among NGOs and SMEs, through diverse methods and tools related to youth empowerment, digital transformation, and non-formal education.  

ACDC’s general objectives are to:  

  • Focus on various aspects such as digital media balance, mindfulness, and well-being to build the capabilities of participating organizations and youth workers in the area of ​​digital citizenship. 
  • Strengthen the organizational capacity of participating organizations to engage and promote digital citizenship among young people and young people. In particular, we focus on young people who are less likely to lack information and data literacy. 
  • Strengthen the EU Youth Strategy 2019-2027: Promote digital citizenship of young people in participating countries in line with the values ​​and principles of engagement, connect and empowerment. 

The project is mainly focusing on youth workers and educators, as well as on other organizations active in the field of youth. This target group will have direct access to the project’s main result, a complete toolkit which will incorporate unique tools (online and offline), primarily based totally on non-formal education, on virtual innovations, at the concepts of interactive and inclusive education. 

Project Duration: 01/01/2022 to 01/03/2023 

Project Number: 2021-1-BG01-KA210-YOU-000031100 

More updates on ACDC project will come soon! 

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