Cyberbullying is the term for bullying that occurs online. Potential venues include social media, chat services, gaming platforms, and mobile devices. It is a pattern of conduct intended to terrify, enrage, or humiliate the target. As an illustration, consider disseminating untrue information about someone or posting embarrassing images or videos of them online. Another illustration of impersonation is using false accounts or delivering obnoxious messages to others on someone else’s behalf. Bullying on social media and in person frequently coexist. But cyberbullying leaves a digital footprint—a record that could be useful and provide evidence to stop the abuse.
Online bullying can give you the impression that you are being attacked everywhere, even at home. It could appear that there is no escape. The repercussions can be serious and have a variety of negative affects on a person:
- Having negative emotions such as embarrassment, stupidity, fear or anger
- Losing emotional interest in the things you love or feeling guilty
- Being physically exhausted (from not getting enough sleep), or having migraines and stomachaches
If someone feels that they are being mocked or harassed by others, they might be reluctant to speak up or try to remedy the issue. In extreme cases, cyberbullying might even lead to suicides. There are many negative repercussions of cyberbullying on humans. Problems can be solved, though, enabling people to regain their confidence and health.
Ask for help from someone you can trust, such as your parents, a close family, or another trustworthy adult, as soon as you suspect you are a victim of bullying. You can communicate with a school counselor, a sports coach, or your preferred teacher in person or online. If speaking to a skilled counsellor makes you uncomfortable, locate a helpline in your country. If bullying is taking place on social media, take into account blocking bullies and formally reporting their actions. Social media companies have an obligation to safeguard their users.
1.Don’t respond instantly: Please don’t respond immediately or panic, be patient
2. Save all the evidence: Evidence can be used against bullying under the cyberbully law act
3. Speak out to whom you trust: Prefer to talk to whom you trust; this will help you to be relieved
4. Be genuine: Be decent enough not to respond to gossip and other trash talk
5. Just block & delete: Block the bully and report it to
6. Protect passwords: Protect the passwords of your every account on the web and on social media
7. Don’t get yourself into trouble: Do not give any opportunity to anyone from anywhere to bully you
8. Do not be a bystander, be a friend: Watching or participating in the act of bullying hurts the most.
Our Erasmus+ project called “STAND UP – Fighting cyberbullying by identifying it in the VET classroom aims to give VET teachers the resources they need to understand cyberbullying and how to combat it. It will also make VET students aware of the risks associated with cyberbullying.
Follow us on Facebook & Instragram and visit our website to learn more our project!
Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100083224627624
Instagram link: https://www.instagram.com/standuperasmus/
Website link: https://standup.erasmus.site/