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Tag: social inclusion

SeHeMe Project’s ‘Home & Away’ Online Magazine: Empowering Migrants Through Stories and Solutions

SeHeMe Project’s ‘Home & Away’ Online Magazine: Empowering Migrants Through Stories and Solutions

The “Home & Away” online magazine of the SeHeMe project (project’s number: 2022-1-PT02-KA220-YOU-000087351) for migrants has been finalised! This is.

Fun and Fulfillment: Gamified Approaches to Enhancing Elderly Care 

Fun and Fulfillment: Gamified Approaches to Enhancing Elderly Care 

As our global population ages, the need for innovative and effective elderly care solutions becomes increasingly critical. Traditional methods of.



Upskilling disadvantaged, immigrant, and refugee women with vital skills required for integration and gaining employment  Skills4Women is an Erasmus+ funded.