Upskilling disadvantaged, immigrant, and refugee women with vital skills required for integration and gaining employment
Skills4Women is an Erasmus+ funded project aimed at upskilling disadvantaged, migrant and refugee women with vital skills required for integration and to gain employment within the countries they currently reside.
Everyone should have an equal chance when trying to gain employment, no matter their background, whether it be gender, age, etc.
Objectives of the project:
The objectives of the Skills4Women project are to provide unemployed women, especially but not limited to disadvantaged, immigrant, migrant, and refugees, with the skills, knowledge, and confidence they need to gain employment within the country they are currently living in. This can be harder for immigrants, migrants, and refugees as they are often not familiar with the employment sector within their new country and new culture.
The objectives to be achieved as a result of this project are inclusion and diversity, social inclusion, the development of skills, helping overcome barriers within a new country, and providing the materials and skills needed to gain employment. Not only will this project target immigrant, migrant, and refugee women, but it will also focus on women with fewer opportunities.
Target groups of the project:
– Unemployed immigrant women
– Unemployed migrant women
– Unemployed refugee women
– Unemployed women from disadvantaged backgrounds with fewer opportunities
– Organisations and associations that work with the target groups
– Job centres
– Municipalities
Project Results/Activities:
Activity 1 – Project Management, Meetings and Trainings
Activity 2 – Content Creation
Activity 3 – Web Platform
Activity 4 – Dissemination
A wide range of content will be produced during the project. The partners will begin by circulating a survey to those from the target groups in all partnering countries. Gaining feedback from the surveys will ensure the partners meet the needs of unemployed women when creating the bespoke content. Create content that will be hosted on the Web Platform will include:
-interview tips and techniques
-obstacles faced when trying to gain employment in a new country
-confidence building content
-information about the countries culture
-how to feel included
-the do’s and don’ts of the country
-country and job/office etiquette
-how to write a successful CV
-how to overcome the gender barrier in the workplace
-links to relevant associations, organisations, job centres, and other useful resources such as women’s rights in the workplace
The final result of the project will be a Web Platform that will host all of the material created. The Web Platform will be available to anyone with a device and an internet connection. Content will be translated and available in English, Portuguese, Spanish, and Greek.
Project Partners:
The consortium consists of four partners…
- VogalOrizontal (Portugal) Coordinator
- Eurospeak (Ireland)
- Blue Beehive (Spain)
- Tag Green (Greece)
Project Website:
Project start date: 1st November 2023
Project end date: 30th April 2025
Project number: 2023-1-PT01-KA210-ADU-000151682