Latest news regarding the TouRural project!
Yesterday, on the 7th of February 2024, partners of the TouRural project met online to discuss the project’s implementation and the next steps. In total, 6 partner representatives attended that online monthly progress meeting, which lasted for about an hour. The coordinator, Europea Slovakia, updated partners about the positive feedback received from the Slovakian NA regarding the interim report. Managerial and financial issues were also discussed, and deadlines were set for the pending tasks. Then, VAEV from Austria, as the leader of Work Package 3, The TouRural Campaign, allocated further tasks that needed to be done to partners. VAEV is working on the development of TouRural’s videos, and as soon as they are done, VAEV will share them with the rest of the partners. Europea Slovakia will develop the spot needed for TouRural’s campaign in the next month, and LUETEB will write an extended article to be published on EPALE about the training of TouRural that took place in Italy in the beginning of September 2023. Europea Polska is leading the overall dissemination of the project. Currently, partners who haven’t organised their events in their countries are planning to do so in the coming weeks and in March 2024. Piloting of the Rural Tourism Business Guide has been partially completed by some partners, while others are still undergoing this piloting. After that, all partners will provide their reports with the analysis of the questionnaires distributed to all the participants in their countries during the piloting phase.
Last but not least, regarding podcasts, as we mentioned in our previous article which was published on the 2nd of February 2024, Eurospeak has completed the recording of the 3rd podcast that deals with TouRural’s social Media Campaign and it will be soon published on TouRural’s website. However, if you cannot wait until then and you want to listen to it now, then click below:
In the days to come a flyer including all the links of the three podcasts will be drafted by VAEV with the contribution of all partners.
All in all, this was an effective online meeting. Partners will meet again online in the beginning of March. Until then you can always listen again and again to the first two podcasts that can be found here in our previous article, which was published last week.
For more news, stay tuned!