We are happy to announce that our Erasmus+ project, ACDC – Active Citizens, Digital Citizens has been successfully finalized in the end of the previous month. The project aims to promote the exchange of best practices among NGOs and SMEs, through diverse methods and tools related to youth empowerment, digital transformation, and non-formal education.
Through the ACDC project several activities and results took place, while the main ones are the following:
- Kick-off meeting: The meeting took place in Sofia – Bulgaria on February 2022 where partners participated both face-to-face and online in order to define the whole implementation strategy of the project;
- Training Activity: A one-week training activity was organized in Petrohan, Bulgaria where youth workers from all partner countries – Bulgaria, Greece, Spain, Portugal and Ireland had the opportunity to work together and test the non-formal education activities developed by the partnership and which are part of the project’s main result – the Digital Toolkit.
- Digital Toolkit: Toolkit on Digital Citizenship which contains non-formal education activities on Digital Citizneship, Digital Identity, Digital Footprint, Cybersecurity and Privacy Online, Cyberbullying, Online Hate Speach, Mindfulness, Media Literacy. The toolkit is addressed to youth workers and young people, but it can be also used by educators and teachers. You can review the activities and download the toolkit here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VJ8eodL4Cai6eVK62mbPn96gD6sqZxDQ/
- Final meeting: The project’s last meeting was held in Ireland on March 2023. Partners had the opportunity to discuss the project’s finalization and all future steps which will undertake in order to assure the project’s sustainability and active presence in the future.
The ACDC project produced amazing results and strongly impacted both the participating organizations and all participants involved in the project’s activities. Eurospeak Ireland feels proud to be part of this initiative and invites all of you to review and use the toolkit and activities produced in your educational activities!