Do you remember the “See Me, Hear Me”, in brief, SeHeMe project that started in November 2022? A year and a half of this project’s implementation, a lot has been done. Before delving into what has been achieved so far, you can have a quick look here at the introduction article of this project published on Eurospeak’s website in December 2022.
Starting with the informational material that has been created for the project so far, one can check on SeHeMe’s website here what is listed below:
- Newsletter 1, which was drafted in January 2023,
- Newsletter 2, which was released in June 2023,
- Newsletter 3, was launched in November 2023.
- The e-bulletin was developed in February 2023,
- The 1st leaflet was created a year ago in April 2023,
- The 2nd leaflet was created in September 2023 and
- The 3rd leaflet was created in February 2024.
Moving on to the Work Packages section, for WP2, “the Evaluation Toolkit for Refugee and Migrant Representation in the Media,” which is a guideline to evaluate various intersections included when presenting migrants in the media, has already been published in the project’s website, and can be found here. The lead partner of this deliverable is RESET from Cyprus and all the other partners contributed to its development.
The next deliverable of WP2, the “SeHeMe Case Studies Booklet,” led by COFAC from Portugal, has been finalised and improved by all partners. Initially, it was planned to contain 10 successful stories of migrants or refugees under the age of 30 years, as stated in the description. However, the stories derived from the interviews each partner has taken were worth mentioning in SeHeMe’s Case Studies Booklet, therefore, upon COFAC’s suggestion, the successful stories included in the end, reached the number of 14. If you are interested in reading it, then check here.
Regarding the face-to-face meetings, partners met twice as stated below:
- First, they met in Lisboa on the 23rd and the 24th of January 2023. This kick off meeting was hosted by COFAC.
- Second, partners met in Madrid on the 14th and the 15th of November 2023, and this translational project meeting was hosted by DEFOIN.
More details about both meetings can be found in the newsletters and the leaflets stated above. Needless to say, partners meet also online once a month to check the project’s progress and decide about the next steps.
Last but not least, since the beginning of the project 33 articles have been published on SeHeMe’s website. All their topics are related to the thematic of SeHeMe. Would you like to have a look at them? Then, click here.
For more news, stay tuned!