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Tools for Experiential Language Learning and Multilingual Exchanges (TELL ME)

KA210-ADU – Small-scale partnerships in adult education

Besides being the key to European aspiration to be united in diversity, foreign languages have a prominent role among the skills that will help equip people better for the labour market and make the most of available opportunities. Italy, Greece, Spain and Turkey have an unemployment rate higher than the average EU27 and are experiencing a constantly increasing number of adults interested in language learning for work reasons. Moreover, the need of digital tools to improve teaching and teaching at a distance has increased exponentially during the last year due to mobility restrictions.

TELL ME project’s main objectives are to foster experiential language learning practices among adults and build an international partnership among adult education actors and their learners. To achieve this, the consortium will implement activities to improve language teachers’ competencies, enhance their capacity to teach languages and facilitate group learning sessions through digital tools. The activities will also promote online encounters and conversation among adult language learners of different countries, providing them with valuable experiential learning and fostering the knowledge of the Erasmus+ program among older generations.

The project has been designed considering four main target groups:

  • Institutions and organisations active in adult education;
  • Teachers and educators;
  • Adult learners;
  • Other actors involved in the education sector.

The main aims are:

  • To create a platform where organisations and language teachers can contact colleagues and organize online sessions for their learners;
  • To promote multilingualism and diversity and allow learners facing geographical obstacles to meet and learn together with other European learners;
  • To promote language learning and multicultural dialogues for inclusion, professional and personal development and bring people closer to European Union
  • To strengthen adult language learning and education at the national and international level by providing a digital platform for connecting teachers and pupils and sharing practices and methodology supporting online learning.

The project will contribute to the EU goals by strengthening teachers’ skills and offering adult education actors and adult learners tools to speed up their language learning process through experiential learning. Besides acting on the educational side of language learning (fostering the importance of communicative language teaching), the project will also offer space and opportunities for teachers from different countries to meet and collaborate with their colleagues.

It will also offer a unique opportunity for people who are less likely to go abroad and meet foreigners to speak with, meet their peers, and bring the European dimension locally.

The members of the partnership will improve their capacity to act at the international level, and the activities will broaden the collaboration to other institutions which work together even after the end of the project.

Project Partners:

  • Amaita Intercultura (Italy) – Leading Partner
  • United Societies of Balkans (Greece)
  • Eurospeak (Ireland)
  • Castilla Languages (Spain)
  • Vezirköprü (Turkey)

If you are interested in the project development stay tuned for more!

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