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Erasmus+ Project FURNICERT Successfully Concludes

Erasmus+ Project FURNICERT Successfully Concludes

We are delighted to announce the successful conclusion of FURNICERT, an Erasmus+ project that ran from 1st May 2022 to.

Latest news on the READ project

Latest news on the READ project

On the 11th of July partners of the “Reading for Emotional and Academic Development” project, which in short is called.

TouRural Multiplier Event in Ireland

TouRural Multiplier Event in Ireland

If yes, then you are invited to our multiplier event of the “TouRural” project in Ireland! It is going to.

Fun and Fulfillment: Gamified Approaches to Enhancing Elderly Care 

Fun and Fulfillment: Gamified Approaches to Enhancing Elderly Care 

As our global population ages, the need for innovative and effective elderly care solutions becomes increasingly critical. Traditional methods of.

Rural Tourism in Ireland

Rural Tourism in Ireland

By Christopher Scott Manuel from Eurospeak   Rural Tourism in Ireland – Ireland lacks the extremes of heat and cold.

Upcoming Release: DEMOCRACY TREE Project WP2 Results

Upcoming Release: DEMOCRACY TREE Project WP2 Results

We are thrilled to announce the forthcoming release of the Work Package 2 (WP2) results from the DEMOCRACY TREE project..

The DigiTales project is still inspiring!

The DigiTales project is still inspiring!

Digital Storytelling for Participatory Adult Learning” in brief “DigiTales” project (Project’s number: – 2021-2-DE02-KA210-ADU-000049606) started on the 1st of March.

Breaking Barriers: Strategies for Integrating Refugee Women into the Labor Market

Breaking Barriers: Strategies for Integrating Refugee Women into the Labor Market

Refugee women face a unique set of challenges in their quest for integration into the labor market. These challenges are.

Meet the ACHIEVE CCS Project: Advancing Gender Equality in Europe’s Cultural and Creative Sector

Meet the ACHIEVE CCS Project: Advancing Gender Equality in Europe’s Cultural and Creative Sector

The cultural and creative sector (CCS) in Europe is a vibrant tapestry of arts, culture, and media that shapes societies,.

Announcing the Successful Conclusion of the SKILLS UP Project and International Online Event

Announcing the Successful Conclusion of the SKILLS UP Project and International Online Event

We are thrilled to announce the successful finalization of the SKILLS UP project, a groundbreaking initiative aimed at enhancing the.